Our Staff
Pastor Matt is a 2011 graduate of Bethel University (College), Indiana, and has served in many ministry roles since 2006. He and his family came to NPMC in January 2015. Pastor Matt oversees our small group, outreach, worship, and Christian Education ministries. He and his wife, Andrea, have been married since 2010 and they have three children: Noah, Charlie, and Ella.
Elena has served NPMC as Administrator and Children's Director since July of 2007. She and Pastor Dave have been married since 1992. They have a grown son, Trevor who is married to Rachelle and they live locally, which Elena loves. She loves working with our team and is eager to help where she can.
Ashley has served at NPMC as the Administrative Assistant since 2021. She is married to Andrew Edlund, our Youth Director, and they have been married since May of 2015. They have three children: Lena, Elijah, and Haddee. She loves that she gets to help in many different ways at the church.